A shattered glass ceiling sculpture was temporarily exhibited around the Fearless Girl statue in front of the New York Stock Exchange for International Women’s Day, 2021.
The work came with a message: Today’s broken glass ceilings are tomorrow’s stepping stones.
This paper discusses the evolution of the design, from concept to fabrication, structural glass engineering, as well as manufacturing, assembly and installation.
Company: Enclos, Los Angeles, USA
About the speaker:
Sophie holds 15 yrs of experience in the design of complex structures and facades. With Enclos since 2018, she has steered select Sales and Design Assist scopes and R&D topics including Ultra-thin glass, Acoustics and Embodied Carbon. Her prior experience includes Arup NY, SHoP Construction and RFR Paris. In 2010 through the industry-academia partnership IAPP ARC she developed cold bent glass analysis tools. Sophie authored several papers on structural glass and has been involved with the development of US glass codes with ASTM, the Journal of Architectural Engineering as Associate Editor and in 2021 joined FTI’s Board of Directors.