It is a widely studied topic and known in the industry that tempered glass can be subjected to spontaneous glass breakage caused by NiS. It is also known that safety glass is required by code at certain locations and that tempered glass is widely used to fulfill this safety requirement. Certain projects and/or conditions do not allow the use of laminated glass, and tempered glass has to be utilized.
Heat-soaking glass has been utilized for years to minimize the potential for spontaneous glass breakage caused by NiS inclusions on installed glass. But what are some of the implications? What is the risk?
The economic impact for heat-soaking glass cannot be afforded on certain projects, and a (reduced) risk would remain for NiS spontaneous breakages. Therefore, what is the risk/benefit for heat-soaking glass? What are the glass characteristics after heat soaking glass? What is the risk after heat-soaking glass?
This presentation and paper explore requirements in the US versus European markets and provide examples of projects where heat-soaked glass has been utilized, and the data gathered thus far, regarding the effectiveness of this measure.