Last but not least, the current political situation sharpens the focus on the need for sustainable products that are independent of crude oil on the one hand and do not unnecessarily pollute the environment on the other.
This presentation will report that the chemical auxiliaries used in the further processing of flat glass: interleaving powders, cutting fluids and coolants – can also make their contribution here. The author will first discuss the necessary requirements for these aids and then show how conventional products can be replaced by sustainable products.
Michael Emonds
Sustainable products in float glass (with special focus on ECHA microplastics guideline – Annex XV)
Company: BASF/Chemetall, Frankfurt, Germany
About the speaker:
Dr. Michael Emonds was born in 1957 and studied chemistry at RWTH Aachen University. In 1991 he received his doctorate from RWTH in the field of biocompatible polymers. In 1992 he joined a company for the application of biological methods in the industry, where he was responsible for the analytical laboratory. From 1993 he worked for Aachener Chemische Werke (ACW), which was integrated into Chemetall GmbH in 2013 as Segment Glass and now is part o BASF. Dr. Emonds is responsible for the application and improvement of Chemetall products for the preprocessing of glass.