Vladimir Marinov
An inconvenient analysis: SG Unitised Systems behaviour
Define Engineers ltd, London, United Kingdom. Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom
Facade Engineering
Juan Pablo Martinez
Making glass flatness a standard
Tecnoglass, Barranquilla, Colombia
Business Case Studies
Romaric Massard
Dynamic Glass – What is needed?
eLstar-Dynamics, Eindhoven, Netherlands
Glass and Sustainability in Buildings
Maximilian Möckel
A guide to assessing the fire resistance of load-bearing laminated safety glass
TU Dresden, Institute of Building Construction, Dresden, Germany
Research and Development
Alamir Mohsen
N-AM | Design to Manufacture of Complex Building Envelopes | Single-layer Envelopes, Standard Profile Systems, and 3D-printed Metal Nodes
Lithium Designers GmbH, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Vicente Montes-Amoros
Heat Soaked Glass – Requirements, Implications, and Case Studies in the US
Curtain Wall Design & Consulting, Inc., Leesburg, USA
Product and Process Case Studies
Louis Moreau
Play Safe With Stiff Interlayers
MOGLEX Corp., Collingwood, Canada
Laminated Glass
Klaus Mühlhans
Various abstracts
A+W Software GmbH, Pohlheim, Germany
Nathalie Nießer
Safety concept for the assessment of different failure scenarios on load-bearing glass structures
Universität der Bundeswehr, Munich, Germany
Structural Glass Applications
Adam Nizich
Effective Thickness – Informed Use in Laminated Glass Analysis
Eckersley O’Callaghan, New York, USA
Miguel Ángel Núñez Díaz
Double skin structural glass
ENAR, Madrid, Spain
Dominik Offereins
Evaluation of the suitability of UV-curing acrylate adhesives in structural glass applications by DMTA
University of the Bundeswehr, Munich, Germany
Raghu Padiyath
Multilayer Optical Films for Glazing Applications
3M Company, Maplewood, USA
Coatings Technology and Applications
Lukasz Pajdak
What are Protective Coatings for glass and what role do they play?
Franz Paschke
Thermal loads on Vacuum Insulated Glazing (VIG)-Hybrids - Experimental and numerical Investigation
TU Darmstadt-Institute of Structural Mechanics and Design-Glass Competence Center, Darmstadt, Germany
Alexander Pauli
Numerical Modelling of UV-curing acrylate adhesives