This episode runs from Monday – Friday (December 12-16, 2022) at the GPD website.
You will find the following downloadable material.
- ‘Determination, verification, and durability of PVB interlayer modulus properties’, Wim Stevels, Eastman
- ‘Quality control for vacuum insulating glass using explainable artificial intelligence’, Henrik Riedel, TU Darmstadt
- ‘Rethinking of sputtering process – partial coating technology’, Jukka Vuoristo, Volframi Oy
- ‘Consideration of the nonlinear viscoelasticity of PVB through a Time-Strain-Superposition’, Miriam Schuster, TU Darmstadt
- ‘The relation between measurement and visibility of anisotropy effects in tempered glass. A case study’, Steffen Dix, University of Applied Science, Munich
Click the link below to access the material.
‘Theme Park by GPD’ December Edition
We appreciate the contribution from the speakers.
Remember to follow us on LinkedIn at Glass Performance Days (GPD) LinkedIn and twitter at GPDconference.
Best wishes,
GPD Team